Specialists in Wills and Estate Planning

We offer a trusted friendly Will writing Service.

Professional advice tailored to you.

Everything explained in plain English with no confusing legal jargon

Our Services

We are here to advise and support you with a wide range of personal and business legal matters.


Why do you need a Will?

To ensure your loved ones receive the inheritance you want to give them when you are gone.

If you die without a valid Will the law of Intestacy will decide what happens to your assets and this could be very different to what you want.

We can review your existing Wills to check that your existing plans are up to date.

Arrange your free consultation today.


Will Trusts and Lifetime Trusts

By including Will Trusts within your Will it protects your beneficiaries to their inheritance.

In the event of remarriage a Will Trust means that assets will not pass to a new spouse.

Assets placed in a lifetime Trust ensures your beneficiaries receive the assets at a time that’s right for you and them.

Trusts can protect your loved ones and ensure that assets always stay within your family.

Lasting Powers of Attorney

There are two types of LPA – Property & Affairs and Health & Welfare

These allow you to nominate someone you trust to make important decisions and act on your behalf if you were not able to.

Without an LPA in place, if you were ill or not able to make your own decisions a court would decide who could act on your behalf.

A Lasting Power of Attorney can be arranged to cover business matters – who would manage your business if you were unable to?

IHT planning

HMRC requires any tax due on an estate to be paid before your beneficiaries can legally receive their inheritance. With careful early planning it is possible to lessen the burden of inheritance tax.

Assistance for Executors

Probate and Inheritance tax forms can be completed by yourself as the executor, however you may need some help and guidance with the procedure and the completion of the required forms.

Shareholders and Partnership Agreements

Shareholder agreements regulate the relationship between shareholders, it outlines rights and regulations and provides protection for each shareholder. For example, in the event of the death of a shareholder, what would happen to that shareholders shares?

Partnership Agreements give you and your business partners a clear understanding of the rules and arrangements applying to your business relationship. Without an agreement in place all partners are equal and must share the business profits and cover losses equally.

Get in Touch

Contact us online to arrange a free initial consultation with our Director, Sharon Rigden.

Call us today on 07584 207170
Lines open 9am – 5pm Monday – Friday

Sharon Rigden, Director, Excel Wills and Estate Planning Ltd

Sharon Rigden, Director

Verve Wills and Estate Planning can assist you directly with a wide range of personal and business legal matters from Wills, LPA’s and Trusts to business agreements and more. One of our Directors will be with you every step of the way and if there are any legal matters that we can not deal with directly they will connect you with an expert that specialises in the area you require.

We offer a free initial no obligation consultation meeting,  this meeting can be in the comfort of your own home, by video call, by telephone or at one of our office locations convenient for you. To arrange a consultation please complete our online form or contact Sharon or Gillian directly on 07584 207170 or by email to srigden@vervewills.co.uk or gtelford@vervewills.co.uk.

Gillian Telford

Gillian Telford, Director

Members of The Society of Will Writers

The Society of Will Writers exists to set a high standard of Will Writing, to maintain and uphold that standard in order to promote good practice and the protection of our clients in legal terms.

Entry to the Society demands impeccable high level application to the needs of those desirous of making their last wishes known so that there is no possibility of any misunderstanding or miscarriage of justice to the detriment of their appointed heirs or legatees.

The prestige of the Society is the collective standing of all its members. The designatory letters awarded by the Society are the assurance to clients, employers, associates and the public at large that the man or woman who is entitled to them is a person of ability and integrity.

Applicants who are elected to share this status must also share the
obligation to maintain it. It is the essence of membership that all should act to the best of their ability to maintain the reputation of themselves and their fellow members.

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